Workplace solicitor in Ireland
In our experience as workplace solicitors, we see and hear of many people who claim compensation for a workplace injuries and end up settling for an amount that does not fully compensate them for the suffering they experience. In our view this is just wrong.
While many workplace injuries are the result of a fall, trip, slip or being struck with a falling object, there are other types of injury that only emerge over time.
Industrial deafness, repetitive strain injury and stress-related mental illness are all caused after repeated and long term exposure. These cases do not have a specific start date but will only get worse over time if the stressor or damaging factor is not removed. Extra info about Workplace injury compensation Ireland
Being injured in the workplace may not be the direct result of an accident. There are many occupational injuries which are acquired through performing the same action repetitively (i.e. RSI), inhaling hazardous substances (e.g. mesothelioma) or being placed under too much stress (e.g. coronary disease). All of these scenarios are examples of injuries which can be acquired during the course of your employment, and you are equally entitled to claim “Injured in Workplace” compensation when your employer has failed to protect you from being injured in a workplace.
A work-related accident compensation claim can result from any of these factors, and whenever you suffer an accident at the workplace, your primary concern should be that of your health. Many companies will have first aid provisions on site or, where your accident is of a serious nature, will call an ambulance to attend you. Whatever injuries you sustain, and no matter how slight you believe them to be, your work-related accident compensation claim needs to be supported by your medical records and the relevant entry in your employer?s “Accident Report Book”. So it is always in your best interests to seek a precautionary medical examination before making a work-related accident compensation claim.
A claim for workplace injury compensation is initially made through the Injuries Board Ireland. However, before you begin the process it is a good idea to ensure that your employer is going to admit liability for your injuries, for if he fails to do so the Injuries Board will be unable to process your claim. Your claim for workplace injury compensation should also factor in “special” damages to compensate for any out-of-pocket expenses you may have already experienced and any potential loss of earnings.
Because we have over twenty years of experience in dealing with workplace accident compensation claims, we know that by the time you call us you would have been through many negative emotions – pain, anger, worry, melancholy and possibly even depression. We would like to put your mind at rest that your call to us is confidential and treated with extreme respect for your feelings and the utmost courtesy.
We will ask you to tell us how your accident occurred, what treatment you received and how your injuries have subsequently affected your quality of life in terms of interaction with family and friends. We would also appreciate your explanation of how you believe your employer was to blame for your accident and if he has made any attempt to offer workplace accident compensation – either directly or through his insurance company.
However, as the general economy remains fragile, it may also be the case that employees are failing to report accidents and injuries that are sustained in the workplace for fear of what effect it may have on their employment prospects. Inasmuch as this argument is totally understandable, your employer has a duty of care towards you whilst you are working for him, and should you suffer an injury due to him neglecting this care, it will usually be his insurance company you are claiming against, rather than him personally.